Meet our Team

Dr Daudi Jjingo
Theme Lead – HIV Platforms
Dr. Daudi Jjingo is a Principal Investigator of the NIH/Fogarty Bioinformatics training grant in Uganda and Co-Principal Investigator of the Ugandan H3BioNet node. He serves as the Director of the African Center of Excellence (ACE) in bioinformatics and data science, whose mandate involves providing cutting-edge computational platforms for biomedical research.
Dr. Jjingo is a Scientist and Lecturer in the department of Computer Science at Makerere University, where he is also a member of the Artificial Intelligence laboratory (AI-lab). He earned his PhD in Bioinformatics as a Fulbright Scholar at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta USA, preceded by an MSc in Bioinformatics from the University of Leeds, UK and a BSc in Biochemistry from Makerere University, Uganda.
His research interests broadly lie in the application of computational tools and methods on biomedical and public health problems.